Our telehealth world.
Podcast: Dr. William Kleynhans on telehealth in Africa
Dr. William Kleynhans is the medical advisor for several South African telehealth products that have also been successfully rolled out in the USA, Canada and the UK’s NHS. He discusses the various aspects of telehealth and how they compare - and benefit - from being developed within an African context.
Podcast: Stone Three Healthcare CEO interview
Dirk Wagener is the CEO of Stone Three Healthcare who developed several telehealth products for both the international and African market.
Bongiovi Acoustic Labs
Bongiovi Acoustic Labs is a world leader in sound innovation. Through close collaboration between TeleSensi and Bongiovi, a new benchmark for clinical sound quality has been created.
Pathways Africa
Pathways Africa brings virtual consultation with built-in device management and live stethoscope streaming to rural healthcare.
Global Partnership for Telehealth
Our TeleSensi team developed a stethoscope streaming web application optimized for heart and lung sounds which GPT deploys across their entire network.